£1 car rental FAQs

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Registration & Login

Why register?
To book a trip for £1 you need to register on driiveme.co.uk and create an account. To set alerts you don't to create an account - all you need is an email address.
Is it free?
Registration with DriiveMe is fast and totally free.
How to register?
On the registration form, enter the required fields and click OK. An email will be sent to you to activate your account. Otherwise you can quickly register via your Facebook account.
I have not received the account activation email.
If you have not received your activation email, have a look in your SPAM folder. If you still cannot find the activation email please contact us to solve the problem.
I have forgotten my password.
If you have forgotten your password, please go to reset password. After entering your address, an email will be sent to you to change your password.

£1 car rental offers

What is a £1 car rental offer?
A £1 rental offer is a one way car or van rental that costs £1 (Incl. VAT).
What is included?
For £1 Incl. VAT you can rent a car one-way for 24 hours and have sufficient number of miles for the trip as well as comprehensive insurance.
Are mileage expenses included?
No, like in any ordinary vehicle rental, mileage expenses (e.g. fuel, road tolls) have to be paid by the driver.
£1 car rental? Isn't it too good to be true?
Every day, thousands of vehicles need to be moved (usually by transporter trucks). To reduce the cost of these movements, DriiveMe offers an innovative solution to move vehicles using members of the public. The rental is practically free because members of the public are doing a favour to vehicle owners (such as car rental companies) who need to move vehicles. It's a win-win situation!
Why can I not access the exact collection and delivery addresses?
For confidentiality reasons, we do not always display the exact addresses of the trip in question. However, once you have booked your rental, you will have access to all the collection and delivery address details.
How long is a rental offer valid for?
An offer is valid as long as:
  • The deadline of the offer is not reached
  • No other DriiveMe member has booked the trip

The alerts

What is the purpose of an alert?
New £1 rental offers appear every day. An alert allows you to be warned when a rental that fits your needs has been recently added.
Do I need to register to create an alert?
No, you can create an alert by simply using your email address.
How can I create an alert?
With each rental search, you can create an alert so that you are notified as soon as a rental that fits your requirements becomes available.
What cities should I indicate in an alert?
You have the following options:
  • Enter the collection city only
  • Enter the delivery city only
  • Enter the collection city and delivery
Nearby cities are also taken into account
What dates should I indicate in an alert?
You have the following options:
  • Any date
  • Fixed date
  • Period of time
Can I receive an SMS alert?
Yes, to receive alerts by SMS, you must have:
  • Created a DriiveMe account
  • Entered your mobile number on your account
  • Entered the collection city and delivery on your alert
  • Entered a fixed date or a duration on your alert.
How can I delete an alert?
At the bottom of each alert email we send, a 'Delete my alert' link is available. If you have a DriiveMe account you can also manage your alerts from your account in the 'My Alerts' section.


How does the insurance work?
All vehicles available on DriiveMe benefit from comprehensive insurance. The insurance is automatically included in your £1 rental.
What are the insurance conditions?
Find all the insurance conditions on this page

Booking a trip

What does the pick-up date of the vehicle correspond to?
The vehicle pick-up date and time corresponds to when you need to arrive at the collection address to pick up the vehicle.
What does the drop-off date of the vehicle correspond to?
The vehicle drop-off date and time corresponds to when you need to arrive at the destination address to return the vehicle.
Why should I enter my driving licence information?
Your driving licence information will be sent to the collection location in order to speed up the vehicle pick-up process.
Careful : if the information entered does not match your licence, you will be refused the vehicle.
Why should I enter my phone number?
Your phone number will only be used to notify you promptly of any changes to your booking.
Why am I asked for a payment card pre-authorisation?
To validate your booking, we need to carry out a payment card pre-authorisation. This helps to ensure booking reliability. This pre-authorisation will be lifted upon taking possession of the vehicle at collection.
In which cases can my payment card pre-authorisation be debited?
The payment card will be debited in the following cases :
  • You do not show up at the collection address at the date and time stipulated in the booking.
  • You do not respect the terms and conditions of the car rental company for the booking in question.
  • You cancel your booking.
The amounts that can be charged are outlined in each rental offer on the 'Rates' tab
Can I cancel my booking?
You can cancel your booking as long as you do so before the vehicle pick-up date.
A penalty of £25* will be debited.
* This penalty is doubled for van rentals
* This penalty is doubled in case of a cancellation within 48 hours of collection

Vehicle pick-up

At which address should I pick up the vehicle?
Once your booking is confirmed, you will have the name and the exact address of collection. You must arrive on the date and time specified in the booking.
What items do I need to bring to take the vehicle?
The items are the same as for a standare rental :
  • Your driving licence in your name
  • Your payment card in your name
  • £1 to pay for the rental.
Other items (described in each offer) may be requested.
What is the procedure for taking the vehicle?
The procedure is the same as for a standard rental :
Completion of £1 contract, deposit, vehicle checks.
Who can drive the vehicle?
The driver must be the person who made the booking on DriiveMe
You have the option of adding another driver at collection or directly during booking using the 'additional driver' option.

Vehicle drop-off

At which address should I drop off the car?
Once your booking is confirmed, you will have the name and the exact address of delivery. You must arrive on the date and time specified in the booking.
What is the procedure for dropping off the vehicle?
The procedure is the same as for a standard rental.

No answer to your questions?

Contact Customer Services
By email (support@driiveme.co.uk) or by phone (02035 148144) contact page